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Mobile Apps are very important in today’s world. Pretty much everyone has a mobile device including your 5 year old kid. But the question is; “is it worth building a mobile app for your business?”

We tell our clients to focus on important things and allocate their money where is worth including training, quality control, improve their customer’s shopping experience, improve their website image and marketing. Just for the record, we work with several mobile app developers and for us would be an easy cross-sell service and make an extra buck. But this is not we are about. Part of our work is to identify the needs of your business and help it grow sustainably.

So, why would would you want to spend 10k – 30K on a mobile app? Mobile Apps are made to improve customer experience with fast and easy access to products or services consequently helping your business to sell more. So, why not make that investment if it will help your customer, right? The problem is the saturated number of apps available. It has been proven that mobile users are deleting more and more apps that are barely being used and just taking space on their device. Then it comes another question, will your app be used or will it be sitting there until deleted. That provided an user has downloaded it.

Here is an example, if you own a pizza place, one single location, why would someone download your app? How often a person will place an order from your store? Even if they download it for one time use, your app has a big chance to be deleted when that user needs more space or is overwhelmed with other apps. That’s why you need to thing carefully if you need a Mobile App.

Here some of the business I recommend to have Mobile Apps:

  • Schools and churches (parents and community will download and use it as long they continue to be a member)
  • Nationwide chain restaurants (Starbucks, Cheesecake Factory, Domino’s Pizza) but even them are now having competition from Doordash, Uber Eats, Grab Hub and others.
  • Nationwide stores (Target, Home Depot, CVS, Walgreens etc…)

Now, if you are coming up with some useful tool app like gaming, GPS, organizing, communication among other cool apps, then it is a different situation. Every idea is a case-study. But you got the point, mobile apps are not for any business. Spend your money wisely and you will have a better ROI.

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